Real Name:
Selina Kyle
Alter Ego:
Catwoman (Main persona though)
Early 20s
* Peak Athlete and Extremely Skilled Gymnast
* Extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant
* Expert burglar
* Possesses costumes with steel spring-loaded climbing pitons and razor-sharp retractable claws
* Wields an assortment of bullwhips and cat o' nine tails as gymnastic equipment
* Emphatic relationship ability with all types of cats
* Superhero or Villain: Anti-Herion ( But for the sake of the RP, I'll be a Villian until a Batman can change my ways. ;D )
People She Trusts:
No one.
Relationship Status:
Single. (Though Cannon she's fallen for the Batman, and I'd love to keep it that way.)
Femme Fatale by nature. She loves to make men go up, but never down. Known to be a tease and enjoys it. She's sarcastic and 'cat'y by nature. She loves to gossip and know everything about a person.